White Dragon Names

Best DND Names for White Dragons

White dragons are associated with themes of purity, wisdom, and protection. Names like Lumina or Ivory symbolize their pristine nature, while names like Guardian or Sentinel reflect their role as protectors of their territory.

From names that evoke their icy nature, such as Frostbite or Blizzard, to those that highlight their regal demeanor like Aurora or Ice Queen, there are endless possibilities to choose from. Each name carries its own unique meaning and essence, adding depth and personality to your dragon companion. Whether you are a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, Game of Thrones, or simply have a fascination with mythology, the world of white dragons offers a treasure trove of inspiration for naming these majestic creatures.

Drawing from ancient legends and folklore, names like Yuki-Onna (Japanese for “snow woman”) or Frostfang (a nod to Norse mythology) can add a touch of authenticity and intrigue to your dragon’s identity.

Dungeons and Dragons Names for White Dragons

D&D players always love the white magical dragons

Dungeons and Dragons White Dragon Names


  • Aurilcryth
  • Aurogon
  • Albinorix
  • Arcturion
  • Aetherfrost
  • Azurfrost
  • Algidheart


  • Borealith
  • Blizzarion
  • Brumalice
  • Boreasfang
  • Blizzardbane
  • Briskwing
  • Borealclaw
  • Blizzardheart
  • Blightwind


  • Cryocephalus
  • Chioneus
  • Coldspire
  • Cryonax
  • Chillrend
  • Crystalfang


  • Drivafrost
  • Draugluin
  • Diamondust
  • Driftkeeper
  • Duskwinter
  • Dewfrost
  • Diamir


  • Everfrost
  • Eirwen
  • Etherealice
  • Endlesswinter
  • Echowhite
  • Eminenceice


  • Frostveil
  • Fimbulvetr
  • Frostfire
  • Frosbite
  • Frostfang
  • Freonix
  • Frostgale
  • Frostshard
  • Froreheart


  • Glaciara
  • Gwynt
  • Glacialspike
  • Galecrest
  • Glintice
  • Galeshard
  • Glacialheart


  • Hailreign
  • Hoarfrost
  • Hailstrike
  • Hyldice
  • Horizonfrost
  • Havensnow
  • Hailstorm
  • Haloice
  • Hailcrest


  • Iciclefang
  • Icewind
  • Ivorystorm
  • Infinitechill
  • Iceheart
  • Icerend


  • Jokulhaups
  • Jotunfrost
  • Jadefrost
  • Joltice
  • Jewelice
  • Jinglefrost
  • Junefrost
  • Jovianice


  • Krystallos
  • Kaltbrise
  • Kryomancer
  • Kylfrost
  • Kineticice
  • Kaltcore
  • Keystoneice


  • Luminfrost
  • Lustrice
  • Lightshard
  • Longwinter
  • Lyricfrost
  • Luminousice


  • Mistfrost
  • Moonfrost
  • Murkice
  • Meridianice
  • Mirthfrost
  • Mysticfrost


  • Northwind
  • Niveous
  • Netherfrost
  • Nightfrost
  • Nimbusice
  • Nivalis


  • Oracice
  • Overfrost
  • Opalfrost
  • Outlandice
  • Oceanfrost
  • Oracleice


  • Polarfrost
  • Prismfrost
  • Permafrost
  • Purefrost
  • Palewind
  • Pinnacleice
  • Pyrofrost
  • Placidice
  • Phantomice


  • Quartzfrost
  • Quiverfrost
  • Quantumice
  • Quellfrost
  • Quasarice
  • Questfrost


  • Rimeheart
  • Radiantice
  • Riftfrost
  • Regalfrost
  • Roarice
  • Runicfrost


  • Snowveil
  • Starfrost
  • Shiverfrost
  • Skyfrost
  • Silvershine
  • Sunfrost
  • Shardice
  • Stormfrost
  • Serenityice


  • Tundrafrost
  • Thawfrost
  • Twilightice
  • Tempestfrost
  • Tidalice
  • Tranquilfrost
  • Torrentice
  • Tesseractice


  • Ultracold
  • Uplandice
  • Unseenfrost
  • Umbralice
  • Utopianfrost
  • Unityice


  • Vortexice
  • Veilfrost
  • Vertexice
  • Viridianice
  • Velvetfrost
  • Vernalice


  • Wintergleam
  • Whirlfrost
  • Wispfrost
  • Wildfrost
  • Whisperice
  • Wardenfrost
  • Waterfrost
  • Windrift


  • Xylofrost
  • Xanthicice
  • Xenonice
  • Xerofrost
  • Xylotic
  • Xanaduice
  • Xenialfrost
  • Xerarch
  • Xystice


  • Yulefrost
  • Yonderice
  • Yawningice
  • Yarrowice
  • Yearnfire
  • Youthfrost
  • Yieldice


  • Zephyrice
  • Zeroice
  • Zenithfrost
  • Zonalfrost
  • Zirconice
  • Zestfrost

Shiroryu – Symbolizes purity, strength, and wisdom, often associated with protection and good fortune in Japanese folklore.

Hakuryu – Represents nobility and purity in Japanese mythology, embodying justice and great power.

Kooriryu – Signifies resilience and transformation, highlighting the dragon’s ability to thrive in cold realms and symbolize change.

Yukiryu – Stands for the serene beauty and majesty of snow, reflecting elegance and the quiet power of nature.

Shizukaryu – Embodies the silence and calmness of a serene landscape, drawing parallels with the peaceful stillness in nature.

Kiyoshiryu – Denotes the clarity and cleanliness of ice, mirroring the dragon’s pure and unblemished spirit.

Soraryu – Captures the vastness and freedom of the sky, emphasizing the dragon’s boundless journey and the pursuit of wisdom.

Hikariryu – Symbolizes the radiance and brilliance of light, reflecting the dragon’s role as a beacon of hope and guidance.

Tsumetaryu – Represents the crisp, chilling touch of frost, highlighting the dragon’s association with the cold and its invigorating effect.

Mirairyu – Evokes the sense of the future and destiny, suggesting the dragon’s role in guiding paths and shaping destinies with wisdom.


Q. What are some popular names for a white dragon?

Frostbite, Blizzard, Snowstorm, Albion

Q. Can you suggest a unique name for my white dragon character?

Glacialia, Aurora, Wynter

Q. What is a good name for a white dragon?

Names like Frostbane, Glacius, or Wintergleam capture a white dragon’s icy elegance and power.

Q. Are there any mythical-inspired names suitable for a white dragon?

Avalon, Draco, Celestia

Q. What are some elegant and majestic names for a white dragon?

Seraphina, Vespera, Aurelius

Q. What was the white dragon’s name?

Names vary by story; Falcor and Saphira are notable, though contextually different.

Q. Do you have any whimsical names that would be perfect for a white dragon in a fantasy story?

Crystalis, Nimbus, Sparkwing

Q. Are there any gender-specific names that work well for a white dragon?

Frostfang (male), Iciclea (female), Winterthorn (neutral)

Q. What is a good name for a snow dragon?

Consider names like Blizzara, Frosthaven, or Snowveil to reflect their wintry domain.

Q. Can you recommend names with cultural influences for a white dragon?

Yukiko (Japanese), Haila (Norse), Bianca (Italian)

Q. What are some powerful and formidable-sounding names for a white dragon in battle scenes?

Glacierbane, Frostfire, Stormbringer

Q. What are white dragons called?

Often termed Ice, Frost, or Snow dragons, reflecting their cold, majestic nature.

See Also:

In conclusion, choosing a name for your D&D white dragon can be an exciting and meaningful process.

Whether you opt for a traditional or unique name, it is important to consider the characteristics and personality of your dragon when making your decision.

By selecting a name that resonates with you and reflects the essence of your dragon, you can create a special bond with your mythical creature.

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