Dunmer Names

Elder Scrolls Names for Dunmer with Generator

Dunmer Names Generator

The Dunmer Name Generator gives you the chance to have a name that is either inspired by Morrowind’s history or that mirrors the character’s journey. Our Dunmer Name Generator will offer you different choices to select from, so just choose the one that you like.

Dunmer Name Generator

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    Who Are the Dunmer?

    Dark Elves or Dunmers are the elves that belong to the Elder Scrolls game universe. At first, they were inhabitants of Resdayn and they were once known as the Chimer. But after the god Boethiah’s curse, they became the Dunmer`s who have the red eyes and the grey skin covered with ash.

    Dunmer Names

    Those who practice smithing and weapon magic are the ones some people call the following.

    High among the talented are craftsmen, whose work is to be done in armor and weaponry. They are also recognized for their resourcefulness, in particular, they can efficiently survive in Morrowind, one of the most dangerous places on their planet, where volcanic eruptions and monsters often threaten people.

    The magic of Dunmers is the most popular, especially destruction magic. They are a rather proud people of the past, whose history is complex because of the gods and the Tribunal.

    See Also:

    Dunmer Naming Traditions

    Dunmer naming customs are intricately interwoven with their culture, history and social structure. Tidus vary from philip of the person’s family, heritage and the role of the ancestors in the way of life of the person.

    Dunmer last names generally come from their clan or house, such as “Telvanni” or “Redoran,” which pointing to their family and the fact that they share powerful families.

    Best Elder Scrolls Names for Dunmer

    Name Meaning Gender
    Varynoth Eternal Flame Male
    Serisyn Shadow’s Embrace Female
    Dralor Soul’s Fury Male
    Lethrisa Moon’s Song Female
    Velarion Wielder of Ash Male
    Rylanea Dawn’s Hope Female
    Draalek Fire’s Wrath Male
    Antheris Silent Storm Female
    Veldar Flame’s Touch Male
    Ilthira Spirit’s Call Female
    Zarethon Keeper of the Ashes Male
    Thiresta Whisper of the Winds Female
    Narokh Guardian of Shadows Male
    Elarian Star’s Keeper Female
    Tarvokh Light of the Red Mountain Male
    Velrith Heart of the Flame Female
    Faelorn Voice of the Volcano Male
    Ilrava Dreamer of Ashen Skies Female
    Kalvoth Hand of Vengeance Male
    Thalriss Singer of the Ashen Song Female
    Veldrin Shadow of the Forgotten Male
    Drelana Echo of the Forgotten Fire Female


    The first name is usually a personal name or has a religious background, sometimes being the name of a deity or an important person to them, thereby acquiring an utmost spiritual meaning to the individual.

    Most of the Dunmer names typically are made up of a suffix, which can show patronymic or matronymic intentions, like “Dres” for patrilineality and “Dren” for matrilineality. In case of the son of the House Hlaalu, he might have the name “Hlaakin,” proving his affiliation to the house.

    Names can also be a representation of their natural environment. As such, many are inspired by volcanic themes or ancient legends, which would in turn express the Dunmer’s affinity to their homeland of Morrowind.


    • Ashen Skin: Dunmer, with their ash-gray skin, are a tribe that is cursed and live among the dark elves. These elves between themselves can be easily distinguished by this distinct feature.
    • Red Eyes: Another badge of uniqueness, their eyes are unique due to the curse and the connection to the Daedric Prince Boethiah, whose eyes are red not normal ones.
    • Sharp Features: Their faces are more precise and rugged, as they have very angular facial structures, high cheekbones and pointed ears, which are the source of their poise and ferocity.
    • Adapted to Harsh Environments: As Dunmer are normally rugged and resilient, they resemble the hard, rocky area of Morrowind.


    • Resistant to Fire: As the island of Morrowind is a place of numerous volcanoes, Dunmer realize their natural resistance to fire, a great attribute that helps them thrive in their tough homeland.
    • Mastery of Destruction Magic: Dunmer are the experts of fire-based spells with a special bond to it, they are the most dynamic in the spellcasting profession and so they have a powerful place in the battle.
    • Ancient Knowledge: To be able to apply different magical skills, Daedra servants, including these noble characters, have discovered the best ancient magics.
    • Stealth and Combat Prowess: Moreover, Dunmer have strong stealth skills which allows them to excel as thieves, assassins, and spies.


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