Githyanki Names

DnD Names for Githyanki

Githyanki come from a highly structured and militaristic society, so their names often reflect this disciplined and harsh environment.

Powerful names like Zalthor, Vrakthor, or Vex’zin evoke a sense of strength, power, and aggressiveness commonly associated with the Githyanki race. Especially names that incorporate elements of silver, swords, or wielding a weapon can add a layer of symbolism and significance to your character.

Names like Silvershear, Swordbreaker, or Bladeborn emphasize the Githyanki’s prowess in combat and their dedication to their martial traditions.

Warrior Names for Githyanki

  • Kar’vok
  • Thraz’ik
  • Vorn’eth
  • Gharn’lok
  • Drath’kul
  • Zir’thak
  • Nark’uun
  • Gral’zun
  • Frasz’ik
  • Klar’duf
  • Vrek’gor
  • Murn’jak
  • Zalk’thor
  • Qirn’bal
  • Larn’guk
  • Yur’khad
  • Wul’vorn
  • Xern’zak
  • Zarn’ghol
  • Kiln’jar
  • Vun’khar
  • Fril’zun
  • Gurn’hal
  • Jarn’kil
  • Lurk’zol
  • Nyr’kash
  • Olk’har
  • Pyrn’goth
  • Quol’vark
  • Ral’zur
  • Syl’khen
  • Tolv’kar
  • Urk’zil
  • Vyr’lok
  • Wex’nir
  • Xyl’gar
  • Yalk’sir
  • Zeph’kar
  • Agon’koth
  • Brel’jar
  • Cern’zul
  • Darn’ghet
  • Ekr’jol
  • Farn’loth
  • Gor’zalk
  • Hurn’kel
  • Ivor’kyn
  • Jorl’zun
  • Kyrn’gol
  • Lorn’ghar
  • Mek’ryn
  • Nol’kar
  • Opr’jin
  • Pern’zil
  • Qar’lok
  • Rur’ken
  • Ser’nyl
  • Til’gor
  • Urv’zak
  • Vern’kil
  • Wyr’jol
  • Xar’nith
  • Yur’gol
  • Zul’ryn
  • Alk’zam
  • Brin’jol
  • Cril’gar
  • Drun’lok
  • Ern’zal
  • Fir’kun
  • Garn’thol
  • Hol’zir
  • Irk’nol
  • Jurn’kiv
  • Kral’zun
  • Lurn’kith
  • Mor’gal
  • Nern’zor
  • Ork’lin
  • Prun’ghal
  • Qyl’nor
  • Ril’zam
  • Surn’kil
  • Tarn’vol
  • Url’zin
  • Vrol’khar
  • Wrak’lin
  • Xun’kyl
  • Yrn’loth
  • Zor’kiv
  • Akr’jin
  • Blarn’zok
  • Curn’vyl
  • Drol’kar
  • Erv’lin
  • Fyr’nok

Mage Names for Githyanki

  • Jhar’vys
  • Xir’zen
  • Zarq’un
  • Fael’ith
  • Lyr’kas
  • Qar’vin
  • Ven’kar
  • Mys’zel
  • Nyr’ilim
  • Sar’pheq
  • Zyr’qan
  • Ael’nox
  • Brel’zir
  • Cyn’raq
  • Dyl’vorn
  • Eyr’nax
  • Fyr’qil
  • Gyl’zen
  • Hyr’nal
  • Iyr’zel
  • Drl’xen
  • Eql’zin
  • Frl’karn
  • Gql’vyr
  • Hrl’zan
  • Iql’nar
  • Jrl’fen
  • Kql’mir
  • Lrl’yan
  • Mql’vir
  • Nrl’qen
  • Oql’lan
  • Prl’zor
  • Qrl’xir
  • Rql’vin
  • Srl’kar
  • Trl’yin
  • Url’qix
  • Vrl’zen
  • Wrl’xan
  • Xrl’vyn
  • Yrl’qar
  • Zrl’fin
  • Abl’qir
  • Bvl’rax
  • Cvl’pen
  • Dvl’zun
  • Evl’qyn
  • Fvl’rix
  • Gvl’xen
  • Hvl’zin
  • Ivl’kar
  • Jvl’ner
  • Kvl’qet
  • Lvl’xir
  • Mvl’zen
  • Nvl’qar
  • Ovl’rin
  • Pvl’xan
  • Qvl’zir
  • Jyl’kar
  • Kyr’len
  • Lyr’mek
  • Myr’vael
  • Nyr’oln
  • Olyr’kin
  • Pyl’ran
  • Qyr’vax
  • Ryl’zan
  • Syl’nir
  • Tyr’fen
  • Uyr’min
  • Vyl’qar
  • Wyl’ren
  • Xyl’nax
  • Yyr’kol
  • Zyl’ver
  • Aqr’jen
  • Brq’il
  • Cql’var

Priest Names for Githyanki

  • Zol’kiir
  • Vex’ahl
  • Kir’vax
  • Dul’qir
  • Tar’lyn
  • Fer’zim
  • Hal’zyn
  • Parn’jil
  • Lur’kin
  • Yel’nix
  • Qir’len
  • Wol’var
  • Xur’qan
  • Zel’rix
  • Aern’lis
  • Brin’qel
  • Cern’vix
  • Darn’zol
  • Ern’quil
  • Farn’lix
  • Garn’xil
  • Harn’zel
  • Irn’qar
  • Jarn’lix
  • Karn’vir
  • Larn’qix
  • Marn’zir
  • Narn’vil
  • Oarn’lix
  • Parn’zol
  • Qarn’xil
  • Rarn’qet
  • Sarn’lix
  • Tarn’vir
  • Uarn’qix
  • Varn’zir
  • Warn’vil
  • Xarn’lix
  • Yarn’zol
  • Zarn’xil
  • Abn’qar
  • Bbn’lix
  • Cbn’vir
  • Dbn’qix
  • Ebn’zir
  • Fbn’vil
  • Dcn’vir
  • Ecn’qix
  • Fcn’zir
  • Gcn’vil
  • Hcn’lix
  • Icn’zol
  • Jcn’xil
  • Kcn’qet
  • Lcn’lix
  • Mcn’vir
  • Ncn’qix
  • Ocn’zir
  • Pcn’vil
  • Qcn’lix
  • Rcn’zol
  • Scn’xil
  • Tcn’qet
  • Ucn’lix
  • Vcn’vir
  • Wcn’qix
  • Xcn’zir
  • Ycn’vil
  • Zcn’lix
  • Gbn’lix
  • Hbn’zol
  • Ibn’xil
  • Jbn’qet
  • Kbn’lix
  • Lbn’vir
  • Mbn’qix
  • Nbn’zir
  • Obn’vil
  • Pbn’lix
  • Qbn’zol
  • Rbn’xil
  • Sbn’qet
  • Tbn’lix
  • Ubn’vir
  • Vbn’qix
  • Wbn’zir
  • Xbn’vil
  • Ybn’lix
  • Zbn’zol
  • Acn’xil
  • Bcn’qet
  • Ccn’lix

Scout Names for Githyanki

  • Ar’cix
  • Sel’vark
  • Mir’zan
  • Juk’tal
  • Qil’ryn
  • Tuz’nik
  • Vyl’kor
  • Xan’thip
  • Zel’jar
  • Dyr’qan
  • Yul’nar
  • Wur’zin
  • Tyl’qet
  • Syl’mar
  • Ryl’tar
  • Qyl’von
  • Pyl’kar
  • Oyl’jen
  • Nyl’xir
  • Myl’zun
  • Lyl’qan
  • Kyl’vor
  • Jyl’rin
  • Iyl’kon
  • Hyl’vam
  • Gyl’zan
  • Fyl’qir
  • Eyl’xan
  • Dyl’nor
  • Cyl’qet
  • Byl’zar
  • Ayl’vin
  • Zol’kyr
  • Yol’qix
  • Xol’vin
  • Wol’rix
  • Vol’qar
  • Uol’zen
  • Tol’kir
  • Sol’xir
  • Rol’qet
  • Pol’lyn
  • Ool’zar
  • Nol’vix
  • Mol’qin
  • Lol’rix
  • Kol’qar
  • Jol’zen
  • Iol’kir
  • Hol’xir
  • Gol’qet
  • Fol’lyn
  • Eol’zar
  • Dol’vix
  • Col’qin
  • Bol’rix
  • Aol’qar
  • Zil’zen
  • Yil’kir
  • Xil’xir
  • Wil’qet
  • Vil’lyn
  • Uil’zar
  • Til’vix
  • Sil’qin
  • Ril’rix
  • Qil’qar
  • Pil’zen
  • Oil’kir
  • Nil’xir
  • Mil’qet
  • Lil’lyn
  • Kil’zar
  • Jil’vix
  • Iil’qin
  • Hil’rix
  • Gil’qar
  • Fil’zen
  • Eil’kir
  • Dil’xir
  • Cil’qet
  • Bil’lyn
  • Ail’zar
  • Zyl’vix

Artisan Names for Githyanki

  • Kiv’ral
  • Thon’yx
  • Gil’var
  • Nal’qen
  • Pyr’oth
  • Sov’ek
  • Ur’zil
  • Wal’jen
  • Yiv’mak
  • Zank’ril
  • Alv’qix
  • Briv’zul
  • Clev’jin
  • Drav’kol
  • Elv’qar
  • Folv’xir
  • Griv’lan
  • Hulv’zor
  • Ilv’qet
  • Jolv’rix
  • Kylv’nax
  • Lolv’qun
  • Miv’zal
  • Nolv’kar
  • Ov’lyn
  • Pylv’zar
  • Qiv’xan
  • Rilv’qik
  • Silv’nor
  • Tolv’jin
  • Ulv’qar
  • Vylv’xir
  • Wiv’lan
  • Xolv’zor
  • Yilv’qet
  • Zylv’rix
  • Ablv’nax
  • Bvlv’qun
  • Cvlv’zal
  • Dvlv’kar
  • Evlv’lyn
  • Fvlv’zar
  • Gvlv’xan
  • Hvlv’qik
  • Ivlv’nor
  • Jvlv’jin
  • Kvlv’qar
  • Lvlv’xir
  • Mvlv’lan
  • Nvlv’zor
  • Ovlv’qet
  • Pvlv’rix
  • Qvlv’nax
  • Rvlv’qun
  • Svlv’zal
  • Tvlv’kar
  • Uvlv’lyn
  • Vvlv’zar
  • Wvlv’xan
  • Xvlv’qik
  • Yvlv’nor
  • Zvlv’jin
  • Aclv’qar
  • Bclv’xir
  • Cclv’lan
  • Dclv’zor
  • Eclv’qet
  • Fclv’rix
  • Gclv’nax
  • Hclv’qun
  • Iclv’zal
  • Jclv’kar
  • Kclv’lyn
  • Lclv’zar
  • Mclv’xan
  • Nclv’qik

Best Names for Githyanki with Meanings

  1. Dyr’qan – Known for unmatched tracking abilities among scouts.
  2. Xir’zen – Known for bending reality to their will marking powerful mages.
  3. Kar’vok – Symbolizes a warrior’s unyielding strength ideal for those who never back down.
  4. Hal’zyn – Guides souls to enlightenment as a priest.
  5. Zank’ril – Creates legendary items as an artisan.
  6. Zol’kiir – Reflects a priest’s divine command perfect for those seen as spiritual leaders.
  7. Vyl’kor – A scout whose presence is almost imperceptible.
  8. Nyr’ilim – A mage shaping dreams into reality.
  9. Vorn’eth – Embodies honor and strength in warriors.
  10. Lur’kin – A priest who whispers with the spirits.
  11. Nark’uun – A warrior’s name feared for their relentless pursuit.
  12. Qil’ryn – Revered among scouts for uncovering hidden truths.
  13. Eyr’nax – Commands the stars as a mage.
  14. Nal’qen – An artisan famed for intricate astral constructs.
  15. Frasz’ik – Blends ferocity with grace in warrior’s lore.
  16. Ril’zam – A priest whose prayers alter destinies.
  17. Gharn’lok – Evokes fear in enemies as a warrior’s name.
  18. Zel’jar – A scout who moves with the swiftness of the wind.
  19. Ven’kar – A mage deeply connected to elemental forces.
  20. Wal’jen – An artisan crafting beauty from the void.
  21. Lyr’kas – Indicates deep arcane knowledge suited for mages with vast magical insight.
  22. Parn’jil – Known for healing the gravest wounds among priests.
  23. Yel’nix – A priest’s name associated with guiding the future through visions.
  24. Sov’ek – Implies an artisan whose creations defy expectations.
  25. Yiv’mak – An artisan whose magical work is renowned.
  26. Klar’duf – Stands tall in darkness as a warrior.
  27. Ar’cix – Suggests unmatched agility making it a fitting choice for scouts.
  28. Kiv’ral – Points to unparalleled skill in craftsmanship for artisans.
  29. Mys’zel – Wielder of the power of illusion marking cunning mages.
  30. Qar’vin – Specializes in manipulating time as a mage.


Q. What is the origin of Githyanki names?

Githyanki names are typically inspired by sounds found in the Gith language, reflecting their heritage and culture.

Q. How do Githyanki names work?

Githyanki names often blend sharp consonants and apostrophes, reflecting their astral heritage and martial culture in DnD.

Q. How can I ensure my Githyanki name fits within the lore of Dungeons & Dragons?

To align your Githyanki name with D&D lore, consider incorporating elements related to their history, beliefs, or interactions with other races in the game world.

Q. Where did the name Githyanki come from?

The name Githyanki originated from George R.R. Martin’s science fiction literature, later adopted into DnD lore.

Q. How do you pronounce Githyanki?

Githyanki is pronounced as “Gith-YAN-kee”, emphasizing the middle syllable.

Q. Are there any famous Githyanki names from Dungeons & Dragons lore?

Yes, notable figures like Vlaakith and Zerthimon are prominent examples of Githyanki names that have appeared in official D&D materials.

Q. Can Githyanki have beards?

Githyanki, being humanoid, can have beards, though depictions and lore may vary.

See Also:

In conclusion, choosing a fitting name for your Githyanki character in Dungeons and Dragons is essential for immersing yourself in the fantasy world of the game. Whether you opt for a traditional Githyanki name or get creative with a unique one, remember that your character’s name can greatly impact how they are perceived by other players at the table. Take inspiration from Githyanki culture, history, and characteristics to come up with a name that truly resonates with your character’s persona.

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