African American First Names

African American First Names: Meanings & Origins

African American names hold rich cultural significance, reflecting a community’s resilience, creativity, and pride. They are a celebration of heritage, a statement of identity, and a way to honor the achievements of ideal figures.

Kwame, Jamar, and Raimy are popular black boy names, and they draw inspiration from influential leaders.

Zora, Maya, and Tamira are very classic black girl names that pay homage to literary giants.

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Biblical African American First Names

Drawing inspiration from the ancient texts that have sustained and uplifted generations, biblical names hold a deep spiritual resonance.

These names are infused with the resilience and faith that have been the bedrock of countless journeys, serving as a testament to the enduring power of belief.

African American Biblical Boy Names

  • Ezekiel – Hebrew name meaning “God strengthens” known as a prophet with visionary prophecies.
  • Elijah – Hebrew name meaning “my God is Yahweh” a powerful Old Testament prophet known for miracles.
  • Isaiah – Hebrew name meaning “salvation of the Lord” a major prophet with messianic prophecies.
  • Jeremiah – Hebrew name meaning “God will uplift” a prophet known for lamenting Jerusalem’s destruction.
  • Joshua – Hebrew name meaning “God is salvation” leader who brought Israel into the Promised Land.
  • Malachi – Hebrew name meaning “my messenger” the last Old Testament prophet calling for repentance.
  • Samuel – Hebrew name meaning “God has heard” a prophet and judge of Israel anointing kings.
  • Solomon – Hebrew name meaning “peaceful” wise king of Israel known for his wisdom and building the temple.
  • Caleb – Hebrew name meaning “faithful” one of the twelve spies of Israel showing courage.
  • Jonah – Hebrew name meaning “dove” a prophet who was swallowed by a great fish for fleeing his mission.
  • Josiah – Hebrew name meaning “God supports” reforming king of Judah who brought religious reforms.
  • Micah – Hebrew name meaning “who is like God” a prophet who condemned injustice and foretold Bethlehem’s importance.
  • Noah – Hebrew name meaning “rest” builder of the ark who saved humanity from the flood.
  • Obadiah – Hebrew name meaning “servant of God” a prophet who foretold Edom’s downfall.
  • Aaron – Hebrew name meaning “exalted” brother of Moses and first high priest of Israel.
  • Amos – Hebrew name meaning “carried by God” a prophet who spoke against social injustices.
  • Benjamin – Hebrew name meaning “son of the right hand” youngest son of Jacob.
  • Daniel – Hebrew name meaning “God is my judge” prophet known for his faith in the lion’s den.
  • David – Hebrew name meaning “beloved” shepherd king who defeated Goliath.
  • Gideon – Hebrew name meaning “hewer” judge who defeated the Midianites with a small army.
  • Isaac – Hebrew name meaning “he will laugh” son of Abraham known for his miraculous birth.
  • Jacob – Hebrew name meaning “supplanter” patriarch who fathered the twelve tribes of Israel.
  • Japheth – Hebrew name meaning “enlargement” son of Noah who spread out his lineage.
  • Levi – Hebrew name meaning “joined” founder of the priestly tribe of Israel.
  • Moses – Hebrew name meaning “drawn out” leader who delivered Israel from Egypt and received the Ten Commandments.
  • Nehemiah – Hebrew name meaning “comforted by God” rebuilder of Jerusalem’s walls after the Babylonian exile.
  • Reuben – Hebrew name meaning “behold a son” firstborn son of Jacob who sought to protect Joseph.
  • Simeon – Hebrew name meaning “God has heard” second son of Jacob and Leah an ancestor of the tribe of Simeon.
  • Zechariah – Hebrew name meaning “God remembers” prophet who encouraged rebuilding the temple.
  • Zephaniah – Hebrew name meaning “God hides” prophet who warned of the day of the Lord.
  • Hosea – Hebrew name meaning “salvation” prophet who married an unfaithful wife as a symbol of God’s love.
  • Jethro – Hebrew name meaning “his excellence” Moses’ father-in-law and priest of Midian.
  • Judah – Hebrew name meaning “praise” fourth son of Jacob and Leah an ancestor of King David.
  • Lazarus – Hebrew name meaning “God has helped” man Jesus raised from the dead.
  • Mordecai – Hebrew name meaning “warrior” Esther’s cousin who saved the Jews from destruction.
  • Nathaniel – Hebrew name meaning “gift of God” disciple of Jesus also known as Bartholomew.
  • Zion – Hebrew name meaning “highest point” a poetic name for Jerusalem symbolizing the kingdom of God.

African American Biblical Girl Names

  • Esther – Hebrew name meaning “star” a queen who saved her people from destruction.
  • Hannah – Hebrew name meaning “grace” mother of Samuel known for her prayer of dedication.
  • Leah – Hebrew name meaning “weary” Jacob’s first wife mother of six tribes of Israel.
  • Miriam – Hebrew name meaning “wished-for child” sister of Moses a leader during the Exodus.
  • Rachel – Hebrew name meaning “ewe” Jacob’s beloved wife mother of Joseph and Benjamin.
  • Rebecca – Hebrew name meaning “to tie” Isaac’s wife who helped secure Jacob’s blessing.
  • Ruth – Hebrew name meaning “friend” a Moabite woman who became the ancestor of King David.
  • Sarah – Hebrew name meaning “princess” Abraham’s wife who bore Isaac in her old age.
  • Abigail – Hebrew name meaning “my father’s joy” wife of David known for her wisdom and beauty.
  • Bathsheba – Hebrew name meaning “daughter of the oath” wife of David mother of Solomon.
  • Deborah – Hebrew name meaning “bee” a prophetess and judge of Israel known for her courage.
  • Delilah – Hebrew name meaning “delicate” woman who betrayed Samson for silver.
  • Eve – Hebrew name meaning “life” the first woman created by God.
  • Hagar – Hebrew name meaning “flight” Sarah’s maidservant and mother of Ishmael.
  • Jezebel – Hebrew name meaning “where is the prince” wicked queen who opposed Elijah.
  • Jochebed – Hebrew name meaning “God is glory” mother of Moses who hid him from Pharaoh.
  • Keturah – Hebrew name meaning “incense” Abraham’s wife after Sarah mother of six sons.
  • Lois – Greek name meaning “better” Timothy’s grandmother praised for her faith.
  • Martha – Aramaic name meaning “lady” sister of Mary known for her hospitality to Jesus.
  • Mary – Hebrew name meaning “bitter” mother of Jesus revered for her faithfulness.
  • Naomi – Hebrew name meaning “pleasant” mother-in-law of Ruth who returned to Bethlehem after tragedy.
  • Priscilla – Latin name meaning “ancient” early Christian missionary wife of Aquila.
  • Rahab – Hebrew name meaning “wide” a harlot who saved Israelite spies in Jericho.
  • Rebekah – Hebrew name meaning “to tie” Isaac’s wife who helped secure Jacob’s blessing.
  • Salome – Hebrew name meaning “peace” follower of Jesus who witnessed his resurrection.
  • Sheba – Hebrew name meaning “seven” queen who visited Solomon to test his wisdom.
  • Tamar – Hebrew name meaning “date palm” daughter-in-law of Judah who bore twins.
  • Vashti – Persian name meaning “beautiful” queen who refused King Xerxes and was deposed.
  • Zipporah – Hebrew name meaning “bird” wife of Moses who saved him from God’s wrath.
  • Zillah – Hebrew name meaning “shade” one of Lamech’s wives and mother of Tubal-Cain.
  • Asenath – Egyptian name meaning “belonging to the goddess Neith” Joseph’s wife in Egypt.
  • Atarah – Hebrew name meaning “crown” one of Hezron’s wives mother of Onam.
  • Azubah – Hebrew name meaning “forsaken” wife of King Asa and mother of Jehoshaphat.
  • Bilhah – Hebrew name meaning “bashful” Rachel’s maidservant mother of Dan and Naphtali.
  • Dorcas – Greek name meaning “gazelle” a disciple who was raised from the dead by Peter.
  • Havilah – Hebrew name meaning “circle” land in Genesis known for its gold.
  • Keziah – Hebrew name meaning “cassia” one of Job’s daughters known for her beauty.
  • Merab – Hebrew name meaning “increase” Saul’s daughter initially promised to David.
  • Rizpah – Hebrew name meaning “coal” Saul’s concubine who protected her sons’ bodies.

Muslim African American First Names

Muslim names celebrate cultural identity and devotion by reflecting the rich Islamic heritage.

These names are delicately woven with the threads of a faith that has transcended geographical boundaries, uniting souls across continents.

African American Muslim Boy Names

  • Amir – Arabic name meaning “prince” signifies leadership and nobility.
  • Faheem – Arabic name meaning “intelligent” reflects wisdom and understanding.
  • Jamal – Arabic name meaning “beauty” denotes attractiveness and grace.
  • Karim – Arabic name meaning “generous” represents kindness and benevolence.
  • Malik – Arabic name meaning “king” signifies authority and power.
  • Rashad – Arabic name meaning “good sense” reflects righteousness and guidance.
  • Tariq – Arabic name meaning “morning star” refers to a pathfinder or warrior.
  • Zaid – Arabic name meaning “increase” symbolizes abundance and growth.
  • Amari – Arabic name meaning “builder” suggests strength and creation.
  • Darius – Persian name meaning “possessing goodness” name of ancient Persian kings.
  • Idris – Arabic name meaning “interpreter” name of a prophet in the Quran.
  • Imran – Arabic name meaning “exalted” father of Mary in Islamic tradition.
  • Khalid – Arabic name meaning “eternal” name of a great Muslim general.
  • Nasir – Arabic name meaning “helper” signifies one who provides aid and support.
  • Rami – Arabic name meaning “archer” reflects precision and focus.
  • Samir – Arabic name meaning “companion” signifies friendliness and sociability.
  • Zayn – Arabic name meaning “beauty” denotes elegance and charm.
  • Abdullah – Arabic name meaning “servant of God” reflects devotion and humility.
  • Azeez – Arabic name meaning “dear” signifies beloved and cherished.
  • Bilal – Arabic name meaning “moist” first muezzin known for his dedication.
  • Hakim – Arabic name meaning “wise” reflects intelligence and discernment.
  • Ibrahim – Arabic name meaning “father of nations” prophet known for his faith.
  • Ismail – Arabic name meaning “God will hear” prophet and ancestor of the Arabs.
  • Jibril – Arabic name meaning “God is my strength” angel who delivered revelations.
  • Musa – Arabic name meaning “drawn out” prophet known for leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
  • Rafiq – Arabic name meaning “friend” reflects companionship and kindness.
  • Salim – Arabic name meaning “safe” signifies peace and security.
  • Sulaiman – Arabic name meaning “peace” prophet and king known for his wisdom.
  • Yusuf – Arabic name meaning “God increases” prophet known for his beauty and forgiveness.
  • Abbas – Arabic name meaning “lion” uncle of Prophet Muhammad known for his bravery.
  • Adnan – Arabic name meaning “settler” ancestor of the Arabs known for his nobility.
  • Farid – Arabic name meaning “unique” signifies being exceptional and unmatched.
  • Hasan – Arabic name meaning “handsome” grandson of Prophet Muhammad known for his virtues.
  • Ishaq – Arabic name meaning “he will laugh” prophet and son of Abraham known for his righteousness.
  • Jaleel – Arabic name meaning “majestic” reflects greatness and dignity.
  • Kareem – Arabic name meaning “generous” represents kindness and benevolence.
  • Mustafa – Arabic name meaning “the chosen one” epithet of Prophet Muhammad signifying divine selection.
  • Zakariya – Arabic name meaning “God has remembered” prophet known for his piety.

African American Muslim Girl Names

  • Amina – Arabic name meaning “trustworthy” mother of Prophet Muhammad known for her faith.
  • Amirah – Arabic name meaning “princess” signifies nobility and grace.
  • Khadijah – Arabic name meaning “premature” first wife of Prophet Muhammad known for her support.
  • Layla – Arabic name meaning “night” reflects beauty and mystery.
  • Nadia – Arabic name meaning “delicate” symbolizes tenderness and sensitivity.
  • Safiya – Arabic name meaning “pure” wife of Prophet Muhammad known for her wisdom.
  • Samira – Arabic name meaning “entertaining companion” denotes friendliness and sociability.
  • Zahra – Arabic name meaning “flower” signifies beauty and radiance.
  • Aaliyah – Arabic name meaning “exalted” reflects high status and dignity.
  • Aminah – Arabic name meaning “trustworthy” mother of Prophet Muhammad known for her faith.
  • Fatima – Arabic name meaning “one who abstains” daughter of Prophet Muhammad known for her piety.
  • Hawa – Arabic name meaning “life” represents the first woman created in Islamic tradition.
  • Iman – Arabic name meaning “faith” signifies strong belief and devotion.
  • Jamila – Arabic name meaning “beautiful” denotes attractiveness and grace.
  • Kamilah – Arabic name meaning “perfect” reflects completeness and excellence.
  • Kayla – Hebrew name meaning “crown of laurels” denotes victory and achievement.
  • Maryam – Arabic name meaning “beloved” mother of Jesus revered for her faithfulness.
  • Noor – Arabic name meaning “light” symbolizes illumination and guidance.
  • Raina – Slavic name meaning “queen” reflects leadership and nobility.
  • Sabrina – Celtic name meaning “river boundary” signifies strength and grace.
  • Sakinah – Arabic name meaning “tranquility” represents peace and serenity.
  • Sukaina – Arabic name meaning “peaceful” daughter of Imam Hussain known for her eloquence.
  • Zainab – Arabic name meaning “fragrant flower” daughter of Prophet Muhammad known for her strength.
  • Zahrah – Arabic name meaning “flower” signifies beauty and radiance.
  • Aliyah – Arabic name meaning “exalted” reflects high status and dignity.
  • Asiya – Arabic name meaning “comforting” wife of Pharaoh known for her faith.
  • Farida – Arabic name meaning “unique” denotes being exceptional and unmatched.
  • Halima – Arabic name meaning “gentle” Prophet Muhammad’s wet nurse known for her kindness.
  • Jasmine – Persian name meaning “gift from God” represents beauty and grace.
  • Khadija – Arabic name meaning “premature” first wife of Prophet Muhammad known for her support.
  • Lubnah – Arabic name meaning “pure” denotes purity and innocence.
  • Maimuna – Arabic name meaning “blessed” wife of Prophet Muhammad known for her kindness.
  • Nailah – Arabic name meaning “successful” signifies accomplishment and achievement.
  • Najma – Arabic name meaning “star” represents brilliance and illumination.
  • Ruqayyah – Arabic name meaning “gentle” daughter of Prophet Muhammad known for her patience.
  • Samirah – Arabic name meaning “entertaining companion” denotes friendliness and sociability.
  • Shahidah – Arabic name meaning “witness” reflects strength and conviction.
  • Sumayya – Arabic name meaning “high” first martyr in Islam known for her steadfastness.
  • Zulaikha – Arabic name meaning “brilliant” known for her beauty and the wife of Potiphar.


Q. What are strong black names?

Strong black names often have cultural significance or historical roots within the African American community, conveying strength, pride, and resilience.

Q. What is a common black name?

Common black names can vary depending on geographical location and cultural background, but some examples include Malik, Jasmine, Jamal, or Keisha.

Q. What is a good name for a black male?

Good names for black males can range from traditional African names like Kwame or Kofi to modern English names like Noah or Isaiah.

Q. What’s a cute black girl’s name?

Cute black girl names may include unique choices such as Zara, Nia, Aaliyah, or Amara, all of which exude charm and beauty.

Q. What are traditional African names commonly used for babies?

Yes, parents often embrace traditional African names like Adanna, Kwame, Ayana, or Chidi in the African American community seeking to honor their heritage.

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