Circus Names

Best Names for Circus

If you are a seasoned circus owner looking to rebrand or a newcomer in the industry. This blog is a must-read for anyone seeking to elevate their circus to new heights.

A name that brings up a sense of wonder, excitement, and magic can instantly capture the attention.

Draw in a diverse audience with names like Cirque Mystique or Wonder Circus. On the other hand, a name that highlights specific acts or attractions, such as

Acrobat Alley or Lion Tamer’s Den can appeal to particular aspects of the circus experience.

Funny Names for Circus

  • Cirque de Silliness
  • Clowning Around Circus
  • Hoop-la Hoopla
  • Giggles and Gasps Circus
  • Zany Zebras and Laughing Llamas
  • Mirth Makers Menagerie
  • Funhouse Frolics
  • Topsy-Turvy Tunes
  • Pandemonium Pavilion
  • Tickle Trunk Tumblers
  • Antics Alley
  • Buffoonery Bigtop
  • Jester’s Jubilee
  • Calamity Carnival
  • Whimsy Wonderland
  • Jokesters Jamboree
  • Chuckles and Chortles
  • Comedy Corner
  • Hilarity Havoc
  • Merry Mayhem
  • Farcical Festivities
  • Pratfall Pavilion
  • Risible Romp

Best Names for Circus

Best Circus Names
Credits: Denys Gromov
Spectacular SpiegeltentWondrous WonderlandResplendent Revelry
Dazzling DreamworldMagnificent MidnightsAstounding Artistry
Enchanting EmporiumSublime SpectacleAstral Amusement
Marvelous MenagerieDaring DelightsEuphoric Escapades
Captivating CaravanExhilarating ExtravaganzaHypnotic Happenings
Thrilling TheatricsCaptivating CuriositiesMiraculous Marvels
Sensational SideshowSplendid SpectacleResplendent Reveries
Astonishing AcrobaticsRapturous RevueSumptuous Splendor
Breathtaking Big TopLuminous LegendsTranscendent Theatrics
Mesmerizing MidwayBewitching BigfootWondrous Whimsy

Modern Names for Circus

  • Cirque Contemporain
  • Avant-Garde Antics
  • Neo-Noir Nexus
  • Zeitgeist Zephyrs
  • Hypermodern Havoc
  • Atelier Amusements
  • Streamlined Spiegeltent
  • Sleek Spectacle
  • Futuristic Fancies
  • Minimalist Marvels
  • Retrofuturistic Revelry
  • Cyberpunk Curiosities
  • Synergistic Spectacle
  • Postmodern Pageantry
  • Millennial Marvels
  • Immersive Innovations
  • Experimental Escapades
  • Postconventional Pandemonium
  • Tech-Driven Thrills
  • Ultramodern Ursidae
  • Emergent Enchantments

Cool Names for Circus

  • Acrobatic Artistry
  • Aerial Acrobats
  • Aether Amusements
  • Arcane Attractions
  • Cirque Celeste
  • Crescent Circus
  • Crimson Cavalcade
  • Cynosure Spectacle
  • Daring Dynamos
  • Emporium Ethereal
  • Ethereal Extravaganza
  • Evocative Exhibitions
  • Fantastical Fandango
  • Feats of Fortitude
  • Fiery Fantasies
  • Fortuna’s Fete
  • Fulminating Feats
  • Galactic Grandeur
  • Gravitational Geniuses
  • Halcyon Happenings
  • Hypnotizing Hexes
  • Idyllic Illusions
  • Incandescent Intrigues
  • Intrepid Innovators
  • Iridescent Intrigues
  • Luminescent Legends
  • Magnetizing Marvels
  • Meteoric Marvels
  • Mirabilia Menagerie
  • Mystical Marvels
  • Nebulous Novelties
  • Numinous Nightmares
  • Opalescent Oddities
  • Paradoxical Phantasms
  • Penumbral Pageantry
  • Phantasmal Phantasies
  • Preternatural Panoply
  • Pyrrhic Pageantry
  • Radiant Revelations
  • Rapturous Revelries
  • Resplendent Reveries
  • Sacrosanct Spectacles
  • Seraphic Soirees

Catchy Names for Circus

  • Dazzling Delights
  • Scintillating Spectacle
  • Alluring Acrobatics
  • Luminous Legerdemain
  • Hypnotic Hijinks
  • Enthralling Extravaganza
  • Captivating Capers
  • Riveting Revelry
  • Bewitching Bigfoot
  • Beguiling Buffoonery
  • Enchanting Escapades
  • Spellbinding Sideshow
  • Mesmerizing Manifestations
  • Alluring Amusements
  • Dazzling Diversions
  • Scintillating Sideshow
  • Enthralling Exhibitions
  • Irresistible Intrigues
  • Captivating Curiosities
  • Luminous Legerdemain
  • Hypnotic Happenings
  • Bewitching Bigfoot
  • Beguiling Beats
  • Spellbinding Sights
  • Enchanting Ensemble
  • Alluring Artistry
  • Riveting Revelations
  • Mesmerizing Melodies

Famous Names for Circus

Famous Circus Names
Credits: Jonathan Borba
  1. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus – “The Greatest Show on Earth,” merged in 1919, epitomizing American circus tradition.
  2. Cirque du Soleil – Founded in 1984 in Canada, redefined the circus with animal-free, theatrical performances.
  3. Moscow State Circus – Since 1971, showcasing Russia’s rich circus tradition with bold acrobatics.
  4. Circus Maximus – An ancient Roman chariot racing stadium, providing mass entertainment.
  5. Circo Massimo (Modern) – An Italian circus blending contemporary performance with traditional circus arts.
  6. Big Apple Circus – Founded in 1977, New York, known for intimate, one-ring performances that connect closely with the audience.
  7. Circus Krone – Based in Munich, Germany, it is Europe’s largest circus, established in 1905.
  8. Al G. Barnes Circus – An early 20th-century American circus, known for its exotic animal acts.
  9. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show – Not a circus per se, but a traveling show (1883-1913) that mythologized the American West.
  10. Sells-Floto Circus – A prominent American circus that merged with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey in 1921.
  11. Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus – A major American circus in the early 20th century, known for its large collection of exotic animals.
  12. Circus Vargas – Founded in 1969, California, known for its traditional family-oriented performances.
  13. Cirque Éloize – Founded in 1993 in Quebec, Canada, specializing in modern circus arts with a narrative approach.
  14. Flying Circus – Not a traditional circus, but the nickname for the Royal Flying Corps, highlighting aerial daring.
  15. Luna Park – Although not a circus, this historic amusement park in Coney Island has hosted numerous circus-style acts since its inception in 1903.
  16. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers – A classic circus act featuring performers in soldier costumes, showcasing precision and discipline.
  17. Zip Zap Circus – South Africa’s social circus, founded in 1992, focuses on youth development through circus arts.
  18. Cirque Alfonse – Established in 2005 in Quebec, Canada, it blends traditional and contemporary circus techniques with a unique, rural flavor.
  19. Circus Oz – Founded in 1978 in Australia, known for its humorous, satirical performances and commitment to social justice.
  20. Circus Roncalli – Established in 1976 in Germany, it blends classic circus acts with modern technology, including holographic animals.
  21. Giffords Circus – A UK-based traveling circus founded in 2000, known for its intimate, nostalgic feel and traditional acts.
  22. Carson & Barnes Circus – Established in 1937 in the US, it’s one of the last large tent circuses, known for its extensive animal acts.
  23. Garden Bros Circus – A North American circus founded in the late 19th century, known for its thrilling performances and family-friendly atmosphere.
  24. Cole Bros. Circus – Founded in 1884, it was once a leading American circus, celebrated for its classic circus arts and massive tents.
  25. James E. Strates Shows – Operating since 1923, it’s one of the last traveling carnival companies with a railroad circus tradition.
  26. Royal Hanneford Circus – A family-run circus with origins dating back to 1690 in England, known for its traditional circus performances in the US.
  27. Circus Flora – A St. Louis-based single-ring circus founded in 1986, named after a famous elephant, it focuses on a narrative-driven circus experience.
  28. Shrine Circus – Founded in 1906, it’s a charitable event run by Shriners, known for its family-oriented, traditional circus performances.
  29. Billy Smart’s Circus – A famous British circus founded in 1946, it became known for its grand scale and televised performances.
  30. The Blackpool Tower Circus – Operating since 1894 in Blackpool, England, it’s one of the oldest, continuously running circuses, famous for its water finale.
  31. Circus Sarasota – Founded in 1997 in Sarasota, Florida, it emphasizes the circus heritage of the area with world-class performances.
  32. Piccadilly Circus – Not a traditional circus but a famous road junction in London, often associated with lively, entertainment-like atmosphere akin to a circus.
  33. Cirque Berserk! – A UK-based circus show designed specifically for theatre settings, blending traditional circus skills with contemporary performance.
  34. Planet Circus – A modern, family-run circus in the UK known for its extreme stunts and traditional circus acts.
  35. Les 7 Doigts de la Main (7 Fingers) – Founded in 2002 in Montreal, Canada, known for its innovative, contemporary circus performances blending storytelling with acrobatics.
  36. Circus of Horrors – A British circus founded in 1995, it combines horror and burlesque with circus performances, known for its adult themes.
  37. Wallenda’s High Wire Circus – Named after the famous Wallenda family, known for their breathtaking high wire acts, showcasing the legacy of daredevil performances.
  38. Circus Smirkus – Founded in 1987 in Vermont, USA, it’s a youth circus that focuses on training young performers in traditional circus arts.
  39. The Great Moscow Circus – Established in 1962, it brings together some of Russia’s best circus acts, known for its daring acrobatics and clowns.
  40. Circopedia – Not a circus but an online encyclopedia dedicated to circus history, preserving the knowledge and stories of famous circuses and performers worldwide.

Creative Names for Circus

  • Empyrean Extravaganza
  • Ethereal Escapades
  • Fanciful Fandangos
  • Celestial Capers
  • Evanescent Exhibitions
  • Arcane Amusements
  • Hallucinogenic Happenings
  • Paradoxical Pageantry
  • Preternatural Panoply
  • Diaphanous Delights
  • Numinous Nightmares
  • Evanescent Enchantments
  • Sacrosanct Spectacles
  • Phantasmagorical Phantasms
  • Resplendent Reveries
  • Incandescent Intrigues
  • Kaleidoscopic Capers
  • Iridescent Intrigues
  • Chromatic Choreography
  • Ephemeral Escapades
  • Opalescent Oddities
  • Scintillating Soirees
  • Transcendent Theatrics
  • Luminescent Legends
  • Mesmerizing Marvels
  • Effervescent Entertainments
  • Quixotic Quests
  • Seraphic Spectacles
  • Mercurial Marvels
  • Zephyrine Zestfulness
  • Sanguine Splendor
  • Quixotic Quests
  • Mercurial Marvels
  • Zephyrine Zestfulness
  • Sanguine Splendor
  • Effervescent Entertainments
  • Chromatic Choreography
  • Diaphanous Delights
  • Evanescent Enchantments
  • Incandescent Intrigues
  • Kaleidoscopic Capers
  • Iridescent Intrigues
  • Ephemeral Escapades
  • Opalescent Oddities
  • Scintillating Soirees


Q. How to choose the best circus name for attracting visitors?

To attract visitors, choose a circus name that sparks curiosity and excitement, using vivid and imaginative language that hints at the marvels and adventures inside. A memorable name, possibly with alliteration or rhymes, can make your circus stand out.

Q. How to create a unique circus name?

For a unique circus name, mix words that reflect its essence, theme, or standout acts. Use creativity in wordplay, and ensure the name is distinct and memorable. Testing names with potential audience members can also help refine your choice.

See Also:


The names chosen for a circus play a vital role in shaping its identity and attracting audiences. A creative and memorable name can set the tone for the entire experience, sparking curiosity and excitement among potential visitors.

If it’s whimsical, elegant, or bold, the right name can reflect the unique charm and entertainment that a circus has to offer.

By selecting a name that resonates with their target audience, circus organizers can communicate their vision.

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