Cheetah Names

Best Pet Names for Cheetah

Cheetahs are known for their unparalleled speed, agility, and grace, making them one of the most awe-inspiring creatures in the animal kingdom. When choosing a name for your cheetah, you can consider names from different cultures that symbolize traits such as speed, strength, or courage.

Cat Names That Mean Cheetah

  • Chita
  • Velox
  • Swiftpaw
  • Dashur
  • Vitesse
  • Rapidash
  • Sivatagi
  • Speedster
  • Flink
  • Quicksilver
  • Sprinthoof
  • Hurrytail
  • Pardus
  • Veloce
  • Rápido
  • Vélo
  • Kilat
  • Snabb
  • Cepat
  • FastClaw
  • Jetfur
  • Hızlı
  • Tvarita

Best Names for Cheetah

Best Cheetah Names
Credits: Piet Bakker
  1. Zephyr – A gentle, west wind. Of Greek origin, signifying the breezy, swift movement of a cheetah.
  2. Blaze – A bright flame or fire. Evokes the cheetah’s fiery speed and intensity.
  3. Lightning – A brilliant flash of light during a thunderstorm. Reflects the cheetah’s lightning-fast reflexes.
  4. Flash – A sudden, brief burst of light or action. Captures the cheetah’s explosive bursts of speed.
  5. Comet – A bright, glowing celestial object with a tail. Symbolizes the cheetah’s meteoric movements.
  6. Bolt – A sudden, powerful discharge of electricity. Represents the cheetah’s electrifying agility.
  7. Mercury – The swift-moving Roman god of commerce and messages. Fitting for the cheetah’s swiftness.
  8. Shadow – A dark area or shape caused by an object blocking light. Evokes the cheetah’s stealthy hunting.
  9. Sonic – Relating to sound traveling at the speed of sound. Fitting for the cheetah’s lightning-fast pace.
  10. Storm – A violent disturbance of the atmosphere. Reflects the cheetah’s fierce power and intensity.
  11. Maverick – An unorthodox or independent-minded person. Captures the cheetah’s untamed, free-spirited nature.
  12. Jet – A fast-moving aircraft. Alludes to the cheetah’s jet-propelled acceleration.
  13. Whirlwind – A rapidly rotating column of air. Evokes the cheetah’s dizzying, cyclonic movements.
  14. Spark – A small fiery particle emitted from a fire. Represents the cheetah’s ignited energy and drive.
  15. Thunder – The loud noise caused by the sudden expansion of air around a lightning bolt. Reflects the cheetah’s thunderous power.
  16. Windrunner – One who runs swiftly as the wind. Captures the cheetah’s graceful, wind-like movements.
  17. Streak – A line or flash of bright color. Fitting for the cheetah’s streaking, blur-like motion.
  18. Dash – A quick, short sprint. Alludes to the cheetah’s explosive, dashing bursts of speed.
  19. Sirocco – A hot, dry wind from the Sahara. Evoking the cheetah’s arid African origins.
  20. Skimmer – One who glides swiftly over a surface. Reflects the cheetah’s fluid, skimming movements.
  21. Quickstep – A lively, fast-paced dance. Captures the cheetah’s lightning-quick steps.
  22. Slipstream – The flow of air surrounding a fast-moving object. Fitting for the cheetah’s aerodynamic prowess.
  23. Zippy – Lively, fast-paced, and energetic. Describes the cheetah’s vibrant, zippy nature.
  24. Swift – Moving or capable of moving with great speed. Directly reflects the cheetah’s signature swiftness.
  25. Gusto – Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment. Captures the cheetah’s animated, gusty spirit.
  26. Runner – One who runs. Aptly named for the cheetah’s renowned running abilities.
  27. Arrow – A slender, pointed projectile fired from a bow. Evokes the cheetah’s streamlined, arrow-like movements.
  28. Falcon – A swift-flying bird of prey. Fitting for the cheetah’s keen hunting instincts.
  29. Rush – A sudden, powerful forward movement. Reflects the cheetah’s adrenaline-fueled bursts of speed.
  30. Tornado – A violently rotating column of air. Represents the cheetah’s ferocious, tornado-like power.
  31. Aero – Relating to the movement of air and the forces acting on solid bodies immersed in it. Captures the cheetah’s aerodynamic prowess.
  32. Spurt – A sudden, brief burst of activity or energy. Fitting for the cheetah’s explosive, spurting movements.
  33. Flashpoint – The point at which a substance catches fire. Evokes the cheetah’s ignited, fiery speed.
  34. Breeze – A gentle wind. Alludes to the cheetah’s breezy, effortless grace.
  35. Drift – To slowly and smoothly move. Captures the cheetah’s fluid, drifting motions.
  36. Fleetfoot – Having swift, agile feet. Aptly named for the cheetah’s fleet-footed speed.
  37. Nimbus – A dark cloud from which rain falls. Fitting for the cheetah’s ominous, storm-like power.
  38. Racer – One who races or competes at high speed. Directly reflects the cheetah’s racing abilities.
  39. Scorcher – Something that burns or sears intensely. Evokes the cheetah’s fiery, scorching speed.
  40. Speedy – Moving or capable of moving with great swiftness. Captures the cheetah’s signature speediness.
  41. Volt – A unit of electromotive force. Fitting for the cheetah’s electrifying, high-voltage movements.
  42. Windchaser – One who chases the wind. Reflects the cheetah’s wind-like, chasing movements.
  43. Zip – To move very quickly. Aptly named for the cheetah’s zippy, lightning-fast pace.
  44. Speedwell – A plant known for its rapid growth. Alludes to the cheetah’s speedy, thriving nature.
  45. Swiftwind – Moving or blowing with great speed. Captures the cheetah’s swift, wind-like movements.
  46. Gale – A very strong wind. Evokes the cheetah’s forceful, gale-like power.
  47. Vortex – A powerful, spinning column of air. Reflects the cheetah’s cyclonic, vortex-like agility.
  48. Sprint – A short, fast run. Directly represents the cheetah’s explosive sprinting abilities.
  49. Pace – A rate of movement. Fitting for the cheetah’s measured, precisely-paced movements.
  50. Quickwind – Moving or blowing with great swiftness. Captures the cheetah’s lightning-quick, wind-like speed.
  51. Skyrunner – One who runs swiftly through the sky. Alludes to the cheetah’s soaring, sky-like movements.
  52. Stride – A long step taken in walking or running. Reflects the cheetah’s long, ground-covering strides.
  53. Haste – Speed in doing something. Fittingly describes the cheetah’s urgency and sense of haste.
  54. Cyclone – A large, spiraling storm with a violent wind. Represents the cheetah’s powerful, cyclonic movements.
  55. Tempest – A violent windstorm. Evokes the cheetah’s fierce, tempestuous power and energy.

Genderwise Names for Cheetah


Baby Names for Cheetah

  • Cubby
  • Binky
  • Doodle
  • Flicker
  • Giggles
  • Hop
  • Jumpy
  • Kiki
  • Lolly
  • Munchkin
  • Nibbles
  • Oreo
  • Puddles
  • Quack
  • Rascal
  • Snickers
  • Tickle
  • Upsy
  • Waddle
  • Yoyo
  • Zoom
  • Twinkle
  • Sparkle
  • Squirt

African Names for Cheetah

  • Kasi
  • Enzi
  • Jabari
  • Kibwe
  • Lela
  • Makena
  • Nala
  • Pemba
  • Reth
  • Sefu
  • Tendai
  • Uzoma
  • Vuyani
  • Wanjiru
  • Xola
  • Yafeu
  • Zola
  • Shaka
  • Themba

Famous Names for Cheetah

Famous Cheetah Names
Credits: Magda Ehlers

Javelin – Alluding to the cheetah’s streamlined, projectile-like movements, this name captures its sheer agility.

Tails – A playful reference to the cheetah’s signature long, sweeping tail, this name embraces its unique features.

Ultima – Meaning “last” or “final”, this name suggests the cheetah’s exceptional status as the fastest land animal.

Legend – Reflecting the cheetah’s exalted status in mythology and folklore, this name pays tribute to its storied legacy.

Yellowstone – Named after the renowned American national park, this name connects the cheetah to its natural habitat.

Cipher – Evoking the cheetah’s mysterious and coded movements, this name hints at its elusive and enigmatic nature.

Blaze – Evoking the cheetah’s fiery speed and intensity, this name captures the essence of its electrifying presence.

Viper – Evoking the cheetah’s deadly precision and lightning-fast strikes, this name speaks to its predatory prowess.

Duma – Swahili for “cheetah”, this name directly captures the essence of this magnificent feline.

Eclipse – Referencing the cheetah’s ability to swiftly and suddenly disappear from sight, this name captures its stealthy prowess.

Echo – Referencing the cheetah’s reverberating roar, this name symbolizes the power and resonance of its presence.

Flare – Evoking the cheetah’s fiery speed and intensity, this name reflects its ability to burst into action.

Zenith – Signifying the cheetah’s position at the highest point of its prowess, this name acknowledges its unparalleled mastery.

Whisk – Evoking the cheetah’s lightning-fast reflexes and movements, this name captures its remarkable agility.

Riptide – Referencing the cheetah’s powerful, turbulent movements, this name speaks to its unstoppable force.

Cango – Derived from the Kongo region of Africa, this name evokes the cheetah’s strong connection to its African roots.

Alpha – Signifying the cheetah’s position as the dominant leader of its kind, this name reflects its apex predator status.

Havoc – Alluding to the cheetah’s destructive power and chaotic hunting style, this name captures its formidable force.

Hondo – Of Japanese origin, this name suggests the cheetah’s focused determination and unwavering spirit.

Nebula – Referencing the vast, swirling celestial bodies, this name suggests the cheetah’s cosmic, otherworldly grace.

Onyx – Alluding to the cheetah’s sleek, ebony-hued coat, this name highlights its striking and elegant appearance.

Spark – Evoking the cheetah’s ignited energy and fiery intensity, this name is a nod to its vibrant spirit.

Glacier – Evoking the cheetah’s icy, unyielding resolve, this name reflects its unwavering determination.

Umbra – Alluding to the cheetah’s mysterious, shadowy nature, this name reflects its elusive and enigmatic aura.

Quest – Evoking the cheetah’s tireless pursuit of its prey, this name captures its indomitable hunting drive.

Delta – Alluding to the cheetah’s distinctive triangular-shaped facial features, this name is a nod to its unique appearance.

Sahara – Named after the vast African desert, this name connects the cheetah to its harsh, unforgiving homeland.

Xerxes – The name of the powerful ancient Persian king, this moniker reflects the cheetah’s regal and commanding presence.

Asante – Meaning “thank you” in Swahili, this name reflects the cheetah’s gracious and appreciative spirit.

Zigzag – Referencing the cheetah’s distinctive movement patterns, this name celebrates its unique and agile locomotion.

Icon – Signifying the cheetah’s status as a revered symbol of speed and grace, this name acknowledges its iconic status.

Kaya – Meaning “rock” in Swahili, this name reflects the cheetah’s solid, unshakable resolve.

Meteor – Evoking the cheetah’s blazing, comet-like movements, this name captures its dazzling speed and intensity.

Krypton – The name of the fictional planet from Superman, this moniker suggests the cheetah’s superhuman abilities.

Mosaic – Referencing the cheetah’s distinctive spotted coat, this name celebrates its unique and captivating appearance.

Beta – Suggesting the cheetah’s role as a close second to the alpha, this name acknowledges its formidable strength.

Loki – The mischievous Norse god, this name suggests the cheetah’s unpredictable and playful side.

Valor – Referencing the cheetah’s unwavering courage and bravery, this name celebrates its unyielding spirit.

Fang – A direct reference to the cheetah’s deadly teeth, this name speaks to its ferocious hunting abilities.

Gobi – Named after the vast Gobi desert, this moniker connects the cheetah to its harsh, arid habitat.

Indy – Short for “Indianapolis”, this name nods to the cheetah’s racing-like prowess and competitive nature.

Phoenix – Symbolizing rebirth and renewal, this name speaks to the cheetah’s resilience and indomitable spirit.

Yonder – Suggesting the cheetah’s far-reaching, horizon-spanning movements, this name reflects its boundless range.

Quasar – Referencing the brilliant, luminous astronomical object, this name captures the cheetah’s dazzling allure.

Pinnacle – Signifying the cheetah’s position at the apex of the animal kingdom, this name reflects its unparalleled status.

Jewel – Referencing the cheetah’s striking, gem-like appearance, this name celebrates its natural beauty.

Wilder – Alluding to the cheetah’s untamed, untamed spirit, this name captures its fierce, untamed essence.

Nitro – Evoking the cheetah’s explosive bursts of speed, this name is a nod to its high-octane power.

Rebel – Reflecting the cheetah’s independent and untamed nature, this name suggests its refusal to be constrained.

Orbit – Alluding to the cheetah’s fluid, celestial-like movements, this name reflects its graceful, out-of-this-world agility.

Mythological Names for Cheetah

  • Apollo
  • Ares
  • Bronte
  • Calypso
  • Dione
  • Eros
  • Freyr
  • Gaia
  • Helios
  • Iris
  • Juno
  • Kratos
  • Leto
  • Maia
  • Nereus
  • Orion
  • Pan
  • Quirinus
  • Rhea
  • Selene
  • Titan
  • Vulcan

How to choose the best cheetah name?

Avoid overly complicated or lengthy names that might be difficult to use during training or daily care. Practicality in naming ensures ease of use in various situations, from casual to formal settings:

1. Personality Traits

Look at the cheetah’s behavior and personality to find a fitting name. For example:

  • “Swift” for a cheetah that runs exceptionally fast.
  • “Dash” for one that often dashes suddenly in play or hunting.
  • “Sneaky” if it shows clever or stealthy behaviors.

This approach helps in picking a name that matches the cheetah’s most noticeable qualities.

2. Physical Attributes

Names can also reflect the cheetah’s physical features.

  • “Spot” could be a simple nod to the cheetah’s spotted coat.
  • “Goldie” might refer to the golden hue of its fur.
  • “Shadow” could be inspired by a darker fur color or a penchant for staying out of sight.

This method ensures the name is visually or descriptively representative of the cheetah.

3. Cultural Significance

Using a name with cultural or geographical relevance can add depth.

  • “Simba” (Swahili for lion) might honor the cheetah’s African heritage.
  • “Kali” (Swahili for fierce) could reflect both cultural significance and the animal’s formidable nature.

Such names celebrate the cheetah’s origins and the rich history of its native lands.

4. Inspiration from Mythology

Names from mythology or history can convey power and prestige.

  • “Apollo” reflects beauty and power, named after the Greek god of the sun.
  • “Cleopatra” could symbolize regality and intelligence, echoing the famous queen of Egypt.

These names can lend an air of grandeur and timelessness to your cheetah.


Q. What are the best male cheetah names?

Some top male cheetah names are Maximus, Titan, Thor, Goliath, and Hercules, reflecting strength and grandeur.

Q. What are the best fictional cheetah names?

Popular fictional cheetah names include Cheetara (from “ThunderCats”), Sabor (from “Tarzan”), and Fast-Track (from “Ben 10”).

See Also:


Selecting an appropriate name for a cheetah can be a fun and meaningful process that reflects the unique characteristics of these magnificent animals. Whether choosing a name based on their speed, agility, or striking appearance, it is important to consider the significance and symbolism behind each option. Names like Swift, Blaze, or Luna can evoke a sense of power and grace that resonates with the cheetah’s nature. 

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