Falcon Names

Famous Pet Names for Falcons

When naming a falcon, considering names embodying strength, grace, and agility can be a great starting point. 

Draw inspiration from famous falcons in literature or mythology, such as Horus, Fawkes (from Harry Potter), or Peregrine (after the Peregrine Falcon). These names carry a sense of history and mystique that can add depth to your falcon’s identity.

Whimsical names like Skyler, Nimbus, Aero, or Luna can capture the essence of flight and freedom that falcons symbolize. Names like Valor, Athena, Phoenix, or Zephyr can evoke the spirit of these magnificent birds of prey.

Cute Names for Falcons

  1. FluffyWing
  2. Pico
  3. BeakyBoo
  4. SkyDancer
  5. TickleFeather
  6. Whirly
  7. BreezyBelle
  8. Swoopie
  9. CloudPuff
  10. TweetyZoom

Best Names for Falcons

Best Falcon Names
Credits: Co Sch
  • SwiftShadow
  • WindRider
  • Aero
  • SkySlash
  • HunterGlide
  • FeatherBlade
  • RaptorReign
  • Velocity
  • ZephyrWing
  • TalonStrike
  • VortexVision
  • Cirrus
  • PeregrinePrince
  • SoarSentry
  • GlideGuardian
  • WingedWarrior
  • HorizonHawk
  • JetStream
  • SkySovereign
  • AzureAce
  • StratosSpear
  • GaleForce
  • AeroDynasty
  • WingbeatWarrior
  • FalconFlyer
  • TempestTalon
  • DriftDuke
  • StrikerSky
  • CelestialCruiser
  • ZephyrZenith

Funny Names for Falcons

  • FeatheryMcFeatherface
  • SpeedyBeak
  • Sir Flapsalot
  • Wingman
  • Squawks
  • Mr. Peckers
  • Flapper
  • DiveBomb
  • CaptainClaws
  • BeakBoss
  • SkyComedian
  • GustyGus
  • TweeterFleet
  • WhooshBeak
  • LoopDeTalon

Cool Names for Falcons

  • NightWing
  • BladeSky
  • StealthSwoop
  • FalconFury
  • SkyScythe
  • EchoFlyer
  • GazeGladiator
  • JetFalcon
  • ShadowSprint
  • RazorWing
  • ThunderBeak
  • SkyGrazer
  • BoltFeather
  • GhostGlider
  • FrostTalon
  • StormSurge
  • IronClaw
  • HawkEye
  • NebulaNavigator
  • Skyfall

Type Wise Names for Falcons

Grey Falcon – The elusive Grey Falcon, Falco hypoleucos, resides in Australia’s arid regions.

Grey Kestrel – Falco ardosiaceus, the Grey Kestrel, is native to various regions in sub-Saharan Africa.

Australian Hobby – Australia’s own Falco longipennis is the fast-flying Australian Hobby.

Lesser Kestrel – The Mediterranean basin hosts the Lesser Kestrel, Falco naumanni, a summer visitor.

New Zealand Falcon – Falco novaeseelandiae is the fierce New Zealand Falcon, a native raptor.

Black Falcon – Australia also hosts the Black Falcon, scientifically named Falco subniger.

Rock Kestrel – Falco rupicolus, or the Rock Kestrel, thrives in the northwestern parts of Africa.

Greater Kestrel – Namibia and Botswana see the Greater Kestrel, scientifically known as Falco rupicoloides.

Peregrine Falcon – The cosmopolitan Falco peregrinus is the world-renowned Peregrine Falcon.

Merlin or “Pigeon Hawk” – Falco columbarius, also known as the Merlin or Pigeon Hawk, thrives across Eurasia and North America.

Nankeen Kestrel – The Australian skies are home to Falco cenchroides, commonly known as the Nankeen Kestrel.

Brown Falcon – Falco berigora, or the Brown Falcon, is found throughout Australia and New Guinea.

Mauritius Kestrel – The Mauritius Kestrel, or Falco punctatus, is a symbol of conservation success in Mauritius.

Oriental Hobby – The Eastern Himalayas offer a home to Falco severus, the Oriental Hobby.

Red-necked Falcon – The Red-necked Falcon, or Falco chicquera, is found across sub-Saharan Africa and India.

Lanner Falcon – Spread across Africa and southern Europe, the Lanner Falcon is Falco biarmicus.

Laggar Falcon – The Laggar Falcon, or Falco jugger, is found throughout Southeast Asia.

African Hobby – The African Hobby, known scientifically as Falco cuvierii, soars over Angola and Benin.

Seychelles Kestrel – Falco araea is endemic to the Seychelles, where it soars through the island skies.

Saker Falcon – The vast expanses of Eastern Europe and Asia are home to Falco cherrug, the Saker Falcon.

Eleonora’s Falcon – Falco eleonorae, or Eleonora’s Falcon, graces the skies of Greece and Cyprus.

Banded Kestrel – Unique to Madagascar, the Banded Kestrel is scientifically referred to as Falco zoniventris.

Orange-breasted Falcon – With its striking plumage, Falco deiroleucus, the Orange-breasted Falcon, inhabits Southern Mexico to northern Argentina.

Common Kestrel – Widespread across various terrains, Falco tinnunculus is often simply called the Common Kestrel.

Red-footed Falcon – Inhabiting parts of Russia and Ukraine, the Red-footed Falcon bears the scientific name Falco vespertinus.

Bat Falcon – The tropical Mesoamerican regions are the domain of Falco rufigularis, the Bat Falcon.

Prairie Falcon – The open spaces of Western North America are patrolled by Falco mexicanus, the Prairie Falcon.

Dickinson’s Kestrel – Falco dickinsoni, known as Dickinson’s Kestrel, resides in Mozambique and surrounding areas.

Taita Falcon – Kenya’s Taita Hills are the preserve of the rare Falco fasciinucha, the Taita Falcon.

American Kestrel – The small but mighty American Kestrel, Falco sparverius, frequents Central and North America.

Fox Kestrel – The Fox Kestrel, or Falco alopex, can be spotted in the southern Saharan desert edges.

Spotted Kestrel – Occupying the Wallacea region, Falco moluccensis is recognized by its spotted plumage.

Amur Falcon – The southeastern regions of Siberia are patrolled by the Amur Falcon, Falco amurensis.

Eurasian Hobby – Falco subbuteo, the Eurasian Hobby, can be seen from Africa to Europe and Asia.

Sooty Falcon – The Sooty Falcon, scientifically Falco concolor, is a resident of northeastern Africa.

Gyrfalcon – Falco rusticolus, the powerful Gyrfalcon, reigns in Eastern and Northern Europe.

Aplomado Falcon – Falco femoralis, the Aplomado Falcon, is a distinctive bird of Northern Mexico.

Malagasy Kestrel – Native to Madagascar, this kestrel species is known scientifically as Falco newtoni.

Mythological Names for Falcons


Famous Names for Falcons

Famous Falcon Names
Credits: Kirandeep Singh Walia
  • Millenium (after the ‘Millennium Falcon’)
  • Icarus
  • Maverick (from “Top Gun”)
  • Falcone (after a character in the Batman series)
  • Peregrine (like the falcon species)
  • Tom (as in Tom Cruise, who played “Maverick”)
  • Amelia (after Amelia Earhart)
  • Yeager (after Chuck Yeager)
  • Wright (after the Wright brothers)
  • Lindbergh (after Charles Lindbergh)
  • Spirit (akin to the Spirit of St. Louis)
  • Ace (a common nickname for a skilled pilot)
  • Captain (universal term of respect for a pilot)
  • Halcon (Spanish for falcon)
  • Aviator
  • Houdini (for its magical flight)
  • SkyKing
  • SkyWalker
  • Rocket
  • Flash (for its speed)
  • Zoom (also for its speed)
  • Comet
  • Astro (suggesting a space theme)
  • Jet
  • Star (evoking the stars in the sky)
  • Nova
  • Orion
  • Phoenix (a mythical bird that is reborn)
  • Spitfire (after the famous WWII plane)
  • Storm (for a falcon with a tempestuous presence)

Arabic Names for Falcons

  • Saqr (Falcon)
  • Altair (The Flyer)
  • Fares (Knight)
  • Saeed (Happy)
  • Zayd (Growth)
  • Malik (King)
  • Tariq (Morning Star)
  • Qadir (Powerful)
  • Ameer (Prince)
  • Rashid (Righteous)
  • Wahid (Unique)
  • Jabir (Comforter)
  • Qais (Firm)
  • Yaqub (Supplanter)
  • Zuhair (Bright)
  • Hadi (Guide)
  • Samir (Entertaining Companion)
  • Adham (Black Falcon)
  • Fakhir (Proud)
  • Thabit (Strong)
  • Zaman (Time)
  • Basir (Sagacious)

Egyptian Names for Falcons

  • Horus (The falcon-headed god)
  • Seker (God of the Memphite Necropolis)
  • Bennu (Linked to the sun, creation, and rebirth)
  • Ra (Sun god)
  • Ptah (Creator god)
  • Osiris (God of the afterlife)
  • Set (God of deserts, storms, disorder)
  • Geb (God of Earth)
  • Thoth (God of knowledge and writing)
  • Anhur (Warrior god)
  • Shu (God of air)
  • Khepri (Rebirth god)
  • Montu (War god)
  • Sutekh (Another form of Set)
  • Atum (Creator and sun god)
  • Hapi (God of the Nile)
  • Khnum (God of the source of the Nile)
  • Sobek (Crocodile god, linked to military prowess)
  • Amun (King of the gods)
  • Khonsu (Moon god)
  • Djehuty (Another form of Thoth)

See Also:

In conclusion, the variety of names for falcons reflects the rich history and cultural significance of these magnificent birds of prey. Whether derived from their physical attributes, behaviors, or habitats, each name offers a unique insight into the world of falcons. From traditional names rooted in mythology to modern names inspired by pop culture, there is a name that resonates with every falcon enthusiast. 

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